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AC Milan News today 20/01/2009

Posted on 9:12 PM by Unknown

Poll Results: Even Split On Manchester City's Kaka Crusade

The readers have spoken, and there is little to choose between the two options on offer in yesterday's Poll...

Yesterday we asked whether or not it was correct for Manchester City to go all-out to land Kaka of AC Milan in the winter transfer window.

As it happened, shortly before the poll closed it was made clear that the Brazilian would not be joining the Citizens. We summed up how the deal collapsed in our late-night editorial.

Still, the results were as follows:

No: 51%
Yes: 49%

Those who voted Yes can reflect on the fact that City's chase to land the all-star Brazilian now appears to be well and truly over. Those who voted No - give yourselves a pat on the back!

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